Annexure 1 Journal List

Anna University annexure 1 has both paid/unpaid, Local, and international journals. These journals can be published all departments like computer science, civil engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electrical, engineering, and electronics mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, management, food and technology, electronics and instrumentation engineering, Anna university annexure 1 conference 2022, etc. Publishing in Annexures very difficult process. Because only Standard journal indexed in it.

Annexure 1 is a list of journals that are recognized by Anna University as having high academic value and impact factor. These journals are considered to be of high quality and are often used as a benchmark for research publications. If you are looking to publish your research in a journal that is recognized by Anna University, then you should consider submitting your manuscript to one of the journals on the Annexure 1 list. Some of the journals on the list include the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), which covers a wide range of topics in science and technology, and the Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, which focuses on pharmaceutical research. If you need help with publication, our Zonduo offer publication assistance and guarantee.

Annexure Journal

Every researcher has the dream of publishing their work in a high-quality journal to improve the reputation of their study. The ideal target for these kinds of publications should be a journal of peer-reviewed. However, selecting this kind of journal is crucial as it increases the viability area of research. We simplify this work with the strategy of the decision-making process. We are providing assistance corresponding to the respective field who are rich in experts in the respective field. They assist you by identifying a suitable journal and drafting the papers as per the need for publication. We also aid in improving the rejected paper until its acceptance.

Don’t be panic! We provide you the top-rated services. Our technical experts will assist throughout the entire process. We offer free consultation, quality checking, and plagiarism correction as well as we also provide fast publication services, topic selection, and writing assistance. With the help of our service, you can reach your goal of publication as soon as possible. We support all the researchers availed in various domains as well as various workplaces.

The annexure journal of Anna University comprises a determinedly chosen list of journals depending on their high academic value. It covers a wide range of fields that consists of the domain over-engineering like mechanical, computing field, construction, computer-aided., it is also comprised of other domains like mathematics, geomatics as well as geoinformatics.


There some other few list of publications that are known for their quick acceptance of rates:

American Heart Association

Biological Psychiatry

American Medical Association


BMC Biochemistry

FEBS Open Bio

Applied Physics Express

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology


Before applying to annexure journalism

Prior to the application of annexure journals, you should determine the appropriate journal for the research area with the related keywords as well as Make sure that all types of articles satisfy the requirement stated by the journal and verify the procedure for publication. Get a view of the journals that are published by your senior scholars, one of the key elements to find the reputation of the publication is the impact factor.

Anna University has the Journal of Annexure in the platform of both paid as well as free versions. The paid platforms require the charge of subscription or university enrollment for the article processing fees to cover the cost of publication. These kinds of journals produce revenue through the charge of subscription as well as a processing charge. It offers peer review assistance and experts for editorial purposes and they influence the established status as well as readership. On the contrary, the free journal usually has open access, is funded by grants, and sponsorships as well as academic institutions are accessible without publication fees. They offer more visibility as well as more citations due to their nature. Although its peer review and editorial services also vary from the paid journals.

How to get a paper published fastly in Annexure 1 Journal

If you are looking to get a paper published in an Anna University Annexure 1 journal, it is important to follow a systematic and well-defined process. Here are the steps you can take to increase your chances of publication:

  •   Choose a Relevant Topic: Select a research topic that aligns with the scope and focus of the Anna University Annexure 1 journal you wish to publish in. Ensure that your research contributes to the specific field or discipline covered by the journal.
  •   Conduct Thorough Research:Conduct extensive research on your chosen topic, reviewing existing literature, and identifying any research gaps or areas that need further exploration. Gather reliable data, perform experiments, or conduct surveys to support your findings.
  •   Prepare Your Manuscript:Structure your manuscript according to the guidelines provided by journal. Pay attention to the formatting style, word count, headings, and subheadings specified in the journal's instructions for authors.
  •   Present a Clear Abstract:Write a concise and informative abstract that summarizes the objective, methodology, findings, and significance of your research. Ensure that the abstract highlights the unique contributions of your study.
  •   Follow Proper Citation Style:Adhere to the required citation style specified by the Anna University Annexure 1 journal. Accurately cite all references and sources used in your research. This not only ensures academic integrity but also allows readers to access the cited works for further reading.
  •   Submit Your Manuscript:Follow the submission guidelines provided by the Annexure 1 journal. Submit your manuscript through the designated online submission portal or via email, as per the journal's instructions. Include all necessary supporting documents, such as cover letter, copyright forms, or supplementary materials, if required.
  •   Peer Review Process:After submission, your manuscript will go through a rigorous peer review process. Experts in the field will evaluate your research for its originality, methodology, data analysis, and overall quality. Address any feedback or revisions suggested by the reviewers in a timely manner.
  •   Revise and Resubmit:If your manuscript receives revision suggestions from the reviewers, carefully address each comment and revise your paper accordingly. Pay attention to clarity, organization, and scientific rigor. Once you have made the necessary revisions, resubmit your manuscript within the specified timeframe.
  •   Acceptance and Publication:If your manuscript meets the standards of the Anna University Annexure 1 journal, it will be accepted for publication. You may be required to complete additional formalities, such as signing copyright agreements or paying publication fees, if applicable. Your paper will then be published in the journal's subsequent issue.
  •   Promote Your Publication:Once your paper is published in the Anna University Annexure 1 journal, promote it within your academic network and on relevant platforms. Share the publication link or citation to increase its visibility and impact. This can help establish your reputation as a researcher and facilitate further collaborations.
  •   Remember that the publication process may vary slightly depending on the specific Anna University Annexure 1 journal you choose. Always refer to the journal's guidelines and instructions for accurate and up-to-date information on submission procedures and requirements.

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How to find Annexure 1 Anna university Journal list for fast publication

Annexure website for list of journal is updating yearly. So only we can search through updated list. We provide updated link for journal searching and assist you to find the best journal for your paper. Journal finding is the important step in publication. Choosing wrong journal will lead to delay publication.

Updated link for Annexure I Journal list:

Updated link for Annexure II Journal list:

This website contain enormous amount of journals in all domain. You have to select correct journal for publication. Don’t worry we are here to help you to find best place for publication.

annexure publication

Common Reason for getting rejection annexure 1 journal

  • Inappropriate choose of journal
  • Lack of Novelty, originality, and presentation of obsolete study
  • Flaws in methodology
  • Unimportant and irrelevant subject matter
  • Improper rationale
  • Lack of interpretations
  • Inappropriate or incomplete statistics
  • Reviewers' field of knowledge and discretion

We help you to overcome these issues and regularly follow your paper

Annexure 1 journal publication - Paper Requirement

  • Contains a clear, useful, and exciting scientific message
  • Flows in a logical manner that the reader can follow
  • Is formatted to best showcase the material
  • Is written in a style that transmits the message clearly
  • Plagiarism free content (usually below 5%)
fast publishing annexure

List of Guidance for fast publication in anna university annexure 1 and anna university annexure 2 journals

Examine the paper Standard for Publication

We make your paper to Journal Standard

Submit your paper

We regularly follow your paper status

We do journal corrections

Resubmission Process

We do Journal Revision

If Rejection occur we improve your paper for another journal

Proof reading Service

Procedure for Writing an Effective Annexure 1 Paper

An annexure is an additional document or set of documents that are appended to a main document to provide additional information or supporting evidence. Writing an annexure paper requires careful consideration of the information that is being included, as well as the format and structure of the document. Here are some tips for writing an effective annexure paper:

1. Determine the purpose of the anna university annexure

  • Identify the specific goal or objective of the annexure: Before you start writing, you need to identify the purpose of the annexure. This can be done by asking questions such as what kind of information needs to be included in the annexure, what will be the main benefit of having the annexure, and who will be the target audience for the annexure.

  • Decide on the scope and depth of the information that will be included: Depending on the purpose of the annexure, you may need to include different types of information. For example, if the annexure is meant to provide additional data, you may need to include charts and graphs. If the annexure is meant to provide supporting evidence, you may need to include research studies or case studies.

2. Organize the content

  • Group related information into sections or categories: Once you have identified the purpose of the annexure, you can start grouping the information into sections or categories. This will make it easier for the reader to understand the information and find what they are looking for.

  • Use headings and subheadings to clearly indicate the content of each section: Headings and subheadings are important for organizing the content and making it easy to navigate. They also help the reader to understand the structure of the annexure and to find specific information quickly.

  • Consider the order in which the information will be presented: The order in which the information is presented can also affect the overall effectiveness of the annexure. Consider presenting the information in a logical and coherent manner, starting with general information and moving towards more specific details.

3. Use a clear and concise writing style

  • using overly technical language or industry-specific jargon: The annexure should be written in a way that is easy to understand by anyone who reads it. Avoid using language that may be unfamiliar to the reader, such as industry-specific jargon or technical terms.

  • Write in short sentences and paragraphs: Short sentences and paragraphs are easier to read and understand than longer ones. They also make the document look more visually appealing and less daunting to the reader.

4. Include all necessary information

  • Use visual aids to help the reader understand the information: Visual aids such as charts, graphs, and tables can help the reader understand the information being presented more easily. They can also help to break up the text and make the annexure more visually appealing.

  • Include references to the main document: If the annexure is meant to provide additional information to support the main document, make sure to include references to the relevant sections of the main document.

5. Format the document correctly

  • Use the same font, margins, and spacing as the main document: The annexure should look consistent with the main document. Use the same font, margins, and spacing to ensure that the annexure looks like a natural extension of the main document.

  • Include page numbers or headers to help the reader navigate the document: Including page numbers or headers can make it easier for the reader to navigate the annexure and find specific information.

Annexure 1 Journal Guidelines

Annexure 1 journals are a list of journals recognized by Anna University as having high academic value. These journals are often preferred by PhD scholars for publishing their research articles. Here are some guidelines and features related to Annexure 1 journals: Submission Guidelines: When submitting a manuscript to an Annexure 1 journal, it is important to follow the submission guidelines provided by the journal. These guidelines may include instructions on formatting, referencing, word count, and other requirements.

Paper Quality: Annexure 1 journals expect research articles to meet high standards of quality. The content should be original, well-researched, and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the respective field. The paper should also have a low plagiarism percentage, typically below 10%.

Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate for Annexure 1 journals is often less than 50%. This means that not all submitted papers are accepted for publication. It is important to ensure that the research article meets the journal's criteria and standards to increase the chances of acceptance.

Free and Paid Publications: Annexure 1 journals may have both free and paid publication options. Scholars can choose the appropriate publication option based on their requirements and budget.

Indexing and Impact: Annexure 1 journals are highly indexing journals. This means that they are recognized and indexed by reputable databases, such as Scopus or SCI. Publishing in an Annexure 1 journal can enhance the visibility and impact of the research article.

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