How to resolve the literature gap from literature review?

Feb 05, 2024
to resolve the literature gap from literature review

Concentrating on an academic journey can be difficult as one goes deeper into the large body of existing reviews of research papers. However, finding issues within this large pool of knowledge can be extremely difficult. In this article on the blog, we'll examine successful strategies for closing gaps in your review of the literature to ensure your study may be a significant contribution to your area of expertise.

What is Research Gap?

Research gap is nothing but an undiscovered topic, or unsolved issue in an accumulation of information within a specific field of study. It indicates a gap or lack of current knowledge that requires further inquiry, evaluation, or study. Identifying and filling research gaps is an important component of academic research because it enables academics to offer new ideas, knowledge, or solutions, ultimately expanding our grasp of a subject or discipline.

Scholars frequently uncover the area of research gaps throughout the research review stage of their work. It involves the evaluation of current literature to determine the information about the topic and identifying areas with insufficient information, incompatible results, or no research has been undertaken. Addressing these deficiencies provides the primary goal of the freshly conducted studies, allowing the study to make contributions to the intellectual conversation and improve the present understanding of the topic area.

For example, suppose that your study aims to determine the underlying cause (or causes) of an issue in particular. When studying the literature on the subject, you might find that there is a body of research pointing to smoke from cigarettes as a crucial cause, as well as an extensive amount of data that reveals no link between smoke and illness. In that situation, one may have a research gap that calls for additional examination.

– After defining a research gap as an unanswered query or unresolved problem, we can explore many forms of research gaps.

  • The traditional literature gap
  • Controversy gap
  • Contextual and methodological gaps

The Classic Literature Gap

Definition: The term "classic literature gap" refers to a situation in which there is a notable lack of comprehensive or fundamental study on a given subject or matter.

Characteristics: There is a shortage of generally acknowledged factors as well as noteworthy literature that involves deeply into and it provides a solid foundation to understand the issue availed in the research.

Significance: Identifying a classic literature gap emphasizes the necessity for foundational study to build a solid foundation of the traditional Literature Gap that refers to a lack of in-depth research on a given topic.

The Disagreement Gap:

Definition: Change occurs when a specific body of literature gives contradictory findings, reasoning, or opinions on a certain feature of a topic.

Characteristics: There exists a gap within the research because scholars have different viewpoints and discrepancies on essential features, conclusions, or hypotheses in this field.

Significance: Overcoming the disagreement gap could include resolving contradictory evidence, explaining methodology, or combining multiple viewpoints to lead to more coherent knowledge.

The Contextual Gap:

Definition: Change occurs when a specific body of literature gives contradictory findings, reasoning, or opinions on a certain feature of a topic.

Characteristics: There exists a gap within the research because scholars have different viewpoints and discrepancies on essential features, conclusions, or hypotheses in this field.

Significance: Overcoming the disagreement gap could include resolving contradictory evidence, explaining methodology, or combining multiple viewpoints to lead to more coherent knowledge.

The Methodological Gap:

Definition: The scientific gap evolves into apparent when mistakes, variations, or challenges with the investigation's methodology used in previous studies on a specific subject become apparent.

Characteristics: This could indicate a gap that needs to be occupied such as questions concerning the amount of samples, study technique, methods for collecting data, or evaluations of statistics.

Significance: Reducing the method gap entails improving or establishing methods of investigation to increase the reliability and credibility of future investigations, and lead to more reliable conclusions.

Literature review

The Significance of Identifying Literature Gaps

Discovering a lack of particular details within literature is more than merely an intellectual exercise; it is critical for improving our understanding. It requires acknowledging the limits of present information and proposing avenues for further study. By identifying these gaps, scholars contribute significantly to the continued development and development of their fields. They are continually pushing beyond the limits of understanding and testing established ideas

Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review

A thorough literature evaluation is required for each research project. Begin by immersing yourself in academic resources, researching relevant terms, and tracking references. The goal is to completely interact with the existing body of work and gain a sophisticated understanding of the current state of knowledge.

Defining Research Questions or Objectives

Use the literature as a guide to describe your study questions or objectives clearly. These act as guiding lights, drawing your attention to key features of the current text. Setting defined goals is critical for steering your research journey.

Identifying Themes and Trends

As you read the material, search for similar themes and patterns that evolved during the investigation. Are there any specific topics that scholars need to concentrate on in that area? Recognizing these patterns allows you to not only identify what has been studied but also to discover possible areas that have not yet been investigated in various elements of your profession.

Evaluating Methodologies

Methodologies help the researchers to get involve in the study as well as comprehend their subjects. Examine the methodologies of the existing research used in past studies. Are there any limitations or gaps in these methods that could have resulted in incomplete or inconclusive results? This in-depth analysis lays the groundwork for novel research methodologies.

Looking for Contradictions and Inconsistencies

Accept the benefits of multidisciplinary teamwork and avoid confining oneself to a single topic. Explore further areas of study and related fields. Exploring multiple viewpoints from numerous disciplines can bring a varied range of ideas and insights, revealing previously missed regions within a specific academic topic.

Checking for Outdated Information

The speed of research is rapid, and knowledge quickly grows outdated. Make sure the literature you're reviewing is current. Be current with the newest resources to be informed on the most recent advancements in the field.

Exploring Emerging Topics

Analyze the innovative areas of investigation. Fresh as well as newly emerged topics or developments that have received little be noted. These growing disciplines frequently present opportunities for new research and innovation.

Engaging with Experts

Analyze the innovative areas of investigation. Fresh as well as newly emerged topics or developments that have received little be noted. These growing disciplines frequently present opportunities for new research and innovation. Nobody can conduct research in detachment. Attending conferences, workshops, or online forums allows you to make vital connections with industry specialists.

Utilizing Bibliometric Analysis

Conversations with well-notified persons can provide helpful perspectives as well as insight into the problems that need to be investigated further In the age of digital scholarship, bibliometric analytic tools can be useful partners. Discover influential publications, notable authors, and new research trends in your subject. This analytical strategy aids in comprehending the influence and attraction of distinct study topics.

Reflecting on Unanswered Questions

The unresolved questions in the realm of study hold a tremendous deal of potential. Consider the literature's unsolved questions. Addressing these areas for development has the potential to result in significant advances in the discipline.

Recognizing gaps in literature is a continuous, ever-changing undertaking in the never-ending pursuit of knowledge. Thoroughly reviewing relevant literature, carefully noting any contradictions, investigating many fields of study, and talking with experts are all necessary aspects of performing effective and important research.

Examples to identify research gap

Assume that you are a civil engineer who specialized in structural engineering. You are concerned about guaranteeing quality known as durability and safety of buildings in earthquake-prone areas. Your goal is used to define a research gap in this particular topic.

1. Literature Review
Existing Studies: Existing Studies: Begin by evaluating the previous research on the long-term reliability of construction supplies in areas that are more susceptible to earthquakes. Look at the research that examines the expansiveness of different materials under earthquake situations.

2. Identify Themes and Trends
Themes in Existing Literature: After analyzing the multiple studies, you may notice that most research concentrates on the structural integrity of buildings during earthquakes. However, there seems to be little emphasis on the long-term endurance of the construction materials which is subjected to seismic shocks.

3. Evaluate Methodologies
Methodological Limitations: Assess the approaches utilized in the studies. The majority of investigations depend mainly on models and experiments in the laboratory, however the actual durability of building materials in real earthquakes

4. Look for Contradictions and Inconsistencies
Contradictory Findings: Although the majority of studies focus on the momentary physical response to quakes, there are conflicting results about the long-term impact of earthquakes on the reliability of specific materials.

5. Cross-disciplinary Perspectives
Explore Geotechnical Engineering Research: Consider reading books in relevant fields of geotechnical engineering. You discover an absence of coordination between structurally engineering research and get a knowledge of soil-structure connections during earthquakes, which has a consequence on material sustainability.

6. Check for Outdated Information
Latest Publications: Make certain that your summary of literature includes the most recent studies. Recent advances in materials studies and seismic-resistant technology have not been completely integrated into modern study.

7. Explore Emerging Topics
Advanced Materials:Study emerging topics, such as the development of novel building supplies that are more enduring in seismic environments. While cited in a few publications, there is a lack of extensive study on the real-world application and performance of these materials

8. Engage with Experts
Conferences and workshops offer the opportunity to interact with professionals in the fields of earthquake engineering and material science. Conversations demonstrate a shared desire to bridge the gap between laboratory findings and the real-world outcomes for building materials in areas susceptible to earthquakes.

9. Utilize Bibliometric Analysis
Bibliometric Analysis: utilize the methods of bibliometric analysis to find the reputed cited publications and significant writers on the subject. It exposes a lack of collaborative study between engineers as well as scientists, which merges with the translation of laboratory advances to usage in earthquake-resistant building materials.

10. Consider Practical Applications
Practical Implementation: Determine whether the existing literature offers practical strategies for using durable building supplies in regions susceptible to earthquakes. You discover that there's a lack of guidelines and requirements for choosing and using these materials throughout real-world building endeavors.

11. Reflect on Unanswered Questions
Unanswered Questions: Conclude the literature review by concentrating on unresolvable problems, which include the durable strength of certain construction materials in various seismic situations as well as the actual difficulties that take place due to incorporating modern materials into real-world building endeavors.

You have discovered an intriguing research gap in the need for integrated studies that evaluate the actual world durability over the building substances in the areas of earthquake-prone which are seismically hazarded areas. This gap provides an opportunity for your research to help develop realistic standards and recommendations for selecting and making use of strong components in seismic-resistant constructions.

As you begin your voyage of your research study, remain interested while opening to shifting your focus according to new advancements in your subject. A search of information is a constant excitement, and recognizing and tackling literature gaps helps shape the prospects of your profession.