When and Why Scopus Discontinues Journals: Reasons for Re- evaluate
Nov 25, 2024

Scopus is a largest respected abstract and citation database in the whole world. It also indexes the large number of scholarly journals across a diversity of academic research field. Indexed journals in Scopus must have a strict criterion that reflects the journal quality, scholarly impact and ethical standards. Journals indexed in Scopus are not a permanent status, all Journals are re-evaluated regularly and some journals get rejected. In this blog, we will provide a complete knowledge of why and when Scopus re-evaluates journal and the reason behind for rejection.

When Scope Re-evaluates Journals?
Scopus provide regular evaluation for indexed journals. Scopus perform periodic reviews in annual basis to ensure the quality and health of journals in its database. This evaluation can occur in annual reviews but nowadays Scopus re-evaluate the journals regularly without proper guidelines. If the journals not maintain the required clarity standards, they may remove your journals completely. Scopus always keep monitoring all citation patterns and other key metrics to detect journals inconsistency.
If such key metrics are detected, Scopus may re-evaluate you journal to make sure the journals by data anomalies with academic standards. When there are any complaints from researchers or intuition its leads to re-evaluation. Scopus changes in criteria to provide new guidelines in academic publishing.
Why Scopus Re-evaluate Journal?
The reasons for Scopus can re-evaluate journals to maintain the clarity, reliability and integrity of its indexed content. Here are the main reasons Scopus reconsider the journal inclusion on its database.
The main reason that Scopus can re-evaluates journals to ensure that they continue to meets high academic standards. Because some journals can decline the quality of content they publish. Scopus re-evaluates journals annually to maintain the journal’s originality, relevant and impactful in specific field. Journals which fail to continue these standards; it’s removed from the database.
Scopus are a high-value on ethical compliance. Journals have unethical activities like predatory publishing, plagiarism and manipulation of citation metrics, these leads to re-evaluation. The ethical reputation of journals is properly noticed to hold the credibility of Scopus index.
The impact of journals in academic fields is a crucial factor to continue the inclusion. Journals have high scholarly impact can lose their relevance of time. If journals lose its relevance to its field, its may removed from the Scopus index.
Scopus regularly updates its criteria to reflect new standards. This ensures that Scopus continues to monitoring the most relevant trends in academic publishing.
An editorial process can play main role in maintaining the standards of the journal. If a journal changes in editorial practices that lack of quality, its may leads to re-evaluated. Scopus always maintain an expertise editorial board and uphold the practices in publication process.

Scopus plays a major role in an academic publishing system by serving an integrity database of impactful and high-quality research. Scopus re-evaluating process can maintain the journals credibility of the Scopus index. Journals can be re-evaluates for certain reasons like less quality, lack of impact and unethical compliance. This review process can helps to ensure that Scopus continues to feature the best relevant scholarly work. That’s why Scopus ensuring as a trusted resources for scholars worldwide.
Scopus is a standard indexed journal and paper published in Scopus is considered as high impact in academic. To know more about Scopus