Why Research Manuscripts are Getting Rejected? Common Reasons
Feb 20, 2024

Research papers are like doors that used to open up very new ideas and it also help us learn different subjects and very different theories as well. It is highly notable that sometimes, even when scientists work really hard on them, a lot of these papers don't get accepted by other experts who used to review those written research papers. It's very important that new writers should know why this happens in some circumstances and this will further assist them to make their papers better and they also have a better chance of getting them accepted by other experts.
Poor research outline
Poor research structure is considered one of the primary reasons for manuscript rejection always. It particularly includes in some following cases: very vague research objectives, inadequate methodologies, and lack of important experimental designs. in etc. Researchers should need to study about clear objectives of the research paper, then only they can able to provide research questions very effectively. Another main reason is about the methodological flaws, it thoroughly leads to reject your research paper.
Insufficient Literature review
Researchers should note that a comprehensive literature review is very essential to establish the research's importance and it also very essential to provide important context for the study. One of the main reasons that most of the manuscripts are rejected because there is a insufficient review of existing literature, which thoroughly results as manuscripts rejection. In order to make reviewers to accept your manuscript, you need to thoroughly review the recent developments in the relevant field, and semantical studies as well.
Low-Quality Writing
Writing is general that anyone can do but writing with thorough quality is a little bit difficult task that only some are doing and they are getting their research paper accepts by other experts. So, this quality of writing plays a very significant role to get the acceptance of your research manuscripts from reviewers. Some of the important components that need to concentrate on more are as follows: Grammatical errors, sentences clarity and clear understanding, these important components are plays a very vital role during research paper submission. Reviewers thoroughly expect your manuscripts to be well-written and well-organized, with some clear explanations.
Data interpretation issues
One of the main reasons for research manuscript rejection is as follows: Misinterpretation of data and irrelevant conclusions, these are considered as very important issues during manuscript submission. So, researchers must analyze every data that they are giving in their manuscript should be very concise and very clear. Reviewers also mainly concentrated in the important finding and conclusions of the research, so researcher should need to provide clear and concise conclusion as well as research findings.
Ethical concerns
Some of the important ethical misconducts, including plagiarism and data fabrication, and these is considered as a very serious offense that can leads to reject your research paper immediately. Authors are highly expected to follow ethical guidelines and academic integrity principles thoroughly to get their research paper accept by reviewers. By doing these ethical misconducts, researcher not only spoils their reputation but also they spoil their reputation of their institutions as well.
Inappropriate journal selection
It's very important to choose the right journal for your manuscript submission. Your manuscripts often may face some rejections when you're submitted your manuscripts to journals that are not thoroughly aligned with their scope or audience as well. The main reasons for your manuscript rejection are as follows: ignoring submission guidelines or failing to prepare the manuscript according to the journal's requirements as well.
Failure to address reviewer comments and suggestions
It's very important to get some constructive feedback from reviewers and it is also considered as a better opportunity for authors to improve their manuscripts promptly. However, many manuscripts get rejected because authors fail to address reviewer comments or thoroughly dismiss those reviewer's comments It is very essential for authors to do some modifications in their manuscripts according to the suggestion or feedbacks given by the reviewer to get your manuscript publish.
Lack of innovation
Manuscripts should contains new findings or should contribute significantly to existing knowledge, is these criteria fails to do, then your manuscripts will be rejected by reviewers. Reviewers always analyze the current understanding of the concept and also expected to get some new important results and findings in you manuscript, so you need to fulfill those expectations in your manuscript.
Overlooking technical requirements
Some of the very important technical errors, such as formatting issues and incorrect citation styles and these issues lead reviewers to reject your manuscript without any further reasons. Authors must ensure important compliance with journal guidelines regarding manuscript preparation and submission to get your manuscript publish very easily without any obstacles. Neglecting technical requirements can result of reject your manuscripts by reviewers.
Poor presentation
In your research manuscript, an effective presentation of research findings is very essential for capturing the interest of readers as well as reviewers. In your manuscripts, lack of visual appeal or lack of clear data leads to reject your manuscript. It's highly notable that authors should use figures, tables, as well as other visual aids which thoroughly used to enhance the better understanding of your manuscript.
Inconsistent results
If inconsistencies occur in your research manuscript, study findings or lack of reproducibility can raise doubts about the validity of the research as well. If your manuscripts fail to provide potential evidence or contain some important conflicting data then your manuscript may be rejected due to some important concerns about the reliability of the results. So, it is very important that authors should ensure the integrity and consistency of their data to avoid rejection.
Unreliable references
It's very important to follow journal's criteria and citing outdated or biased sources undermines the credibility of your manuscript and it can also lead to rejection as well. So, it is very important that authors must use reliable and updated references to support their arguments and situate your research within the broader context of existing literature as well. Some of the important elements that can weaken the manuscript's validity is as follows: Failure to cite relevant studies or relying on questionable sources, these leads your manuscript to reject by reviewers.
Insufficient statistical analysis
In research manuscript, statistical analysis is very essential for drawing some important and accurate conclusions from research data to get accept your manuscript. Manuscripts that lack potential statistical methods or overlook data validity and reliability thoroughly lead to reject your manuscript. Authors should ensure that their statistical analyses are very important for the research design and sufficiently rigorous to support their findings as well.
In conclusion, there are various factors for this research manuscript rejection, including very poor research design, inadequate literature review, low-quality writing, data interpretation problems, ethical concerns, lack of innovation, technical errors, poor presentation, inconsistent results, and insufficient statistical analysis as well. It is very important to address these common reasons to improve the quality of your research manuscripts.
Tips to Avoid Manuscript Rejection

In this blog you will clearly know about what are the reasons for rejection of manuscript. To know more about the manuscript writing