How to write a Research Methodology in a Thesis Paper?

July 26, 2024
research methodology in thesis paper

What is the Research Methodology?

The research methodology in a thesis paper is a procedure or technique used to reckon, analyze, find, and select the information about the topic in the thesis paper. This helps the readers or the target audience to fathom the methodology of the thesis, as well as helps to evaluate the technique and the sources followed by the scholar. The research methodology is a crucial process. The scholar has to be more concerned with the research methodology. The research methodology shows the methods followed in the thesis paper. The methodology has to be clear and succinct for readers. Research methodology should be followed by a past tense in the thesis paper.

Why Methodology for Research is Important?

The research methodology is important in the thesis paper. Where the thesis paper will be evident for the credibility of the scholar during the research. The research methodology will be a framework for the guidelines followed in the thesis paper. The research methodology will help the future scholar gather details from a previous thesis paper. Also, helps the scholar to give a proper answer for the thesis paper as well as it will be evident to the best thesis paper. The optimal research methodology will help to create a successful thesis paper and help to reach the success of the thesis paper. The precarious research methodology will lead to the failure of the thesis paper.

Types of Research Methodology:

The research methodology can be divided into three types (i) qualitative research (ii) quantitative research and (iii) mixed research

Qualitative methodology: The qualitative research methodology examines the participant's opinions, behaviors, and instances. The qualitative methodology requires more participants to clear the questionnaire and it is quite time-consuming. It is a large process, the scholar has to keep the details of the participants confidential.

Quantitative methodology: The quantitative research methodology is contrary to qualitative research. This method is concerned with quantity, measuring, and testing numerical data. This method saves time for the scholar. This methodology makes predictions, differences in variables, and common results in a wider response.

Mixed methods: The mixed methods in research methodology, are the mix of both qualitative and quantitative research. It helps the reader to know the findings and data are validated. The use of mixed methods gives appropriate results and narrates the unexpected results to the readers.

How to select Methodology for Research?

The scholar must have to choose the topic. From the chosen topic, have to find the research aim and objectives of the thesis paper. Then have to analyze the existing research paper, as well as find the research gap in the thesis paper. The scholar should analyze the existing data followed by qualitative research methodology or quantitative research methodology, this helps to save the time of the scholar. If the thesis needs statistical and numerical results, the quantitative result is enough. If the thesis paper needs participants' responses qualitative research is fine. There will be limitations in any discipline of thesis paper. So, the scholar can maintain constraints over time, intricate and travel, and remain to express the objectives in the thesis paper.

What is the sample size?

The sample size is a crucial part of the research methodology. It is used to define several participants and observations involved in the thesis paper. The major drawback of the sample size is, the credibility and the findings will be visible to a visible audience. It will be feasible for the scholarly thesis paper. The sample size can be divided into many types. The foremost types are;

Random sample: where the participants are selected from a large group randomly, and each participant gets their table of time.

Cluster sample: where the large group of audiences are divided or clustered in small groups for the survey. This type of sample helps in massive surveys.

Convenience sample:It is a general method. The scholar can collect data easily in an instant.

Consecutive sample: It is a specified method. A consecutive sample helps to analyze and analyze the data that represents the wider audience. This sample is also one of the easy ways to collect data by the scholar.

Snowball sample: The sample is known as network sampling and contains a non-qualitative method. It also aids in quantitative and increases the participant strength for valid data.

How To Develop A Research Methodology?

The research methodology of the thesis paper should be based on the research question. So the data collection of the thesis paper will be simple. Any of the research methods should be followed firmly in the thesis paper. The scholar has to explain why this data is perfect for the thesis paper. The data collection of a thesis paper can be any method like interviews or surveys, depending upon the thesis paper's need. The gathered data must be analyzed by the scholar, never impose data for the stuff. The academic scholar needs to follow credibility and readability, and the thesis of the scholar should maintain honest data. The ethics of the scholar should not be sceptical to the readers. In the conclusion the scholar has to say the data by research methodology is valid and effective.

Straight forward in Research Methodology:

The scholar of the thesis paper must be rational in the process of writing. We know a thesis paper must have a formal tone with validity. The scholar must follow the research methodology, it should be worthy. The robust scholar should address the limitations and aims of the thesis paper. The research methodology used by the scholar should be valid. Instead of using raw materials, the scholar should be conscience and sincere about the thesis. Raw materials of data can be collected easily. However, the thesis paper will not be successful. The research methodology used in the thesis paper must be evident for the scholar's dedication, this helps the scholar to attain victory. The research methodology must own keywords to help the reader to know more about the thesis. And research methodology credits to the scholar's worth, reliability, and credibility.