What are the major mistakes in the Research Paper?
July 26, 2024
Writing a research paper is never been an easy process. The research paper is an academic prose. Each word that mention in the research paper must be simple, concise and feasible to the audience. The scholar with the help of academic guide has to prepare a flawless research paper. However, writing research paper merely monotonous. The scholar may commit error or mistakes in research paper, this blog help the scholar to rectify the mistakes in research paper. The scholar must remember that, research paper adhere with formal tone and valid of content.
The major aim of research paper is to provide a solution for the research question. The scholar must be cautious about the content in the research paper. But, still the scholar will commit mistakes in research paper. Various reasons like, grammar, spelling, usage of blunt words, weak research methodology, improper reference and lacking academic standards are the common reasons for the research paper errors. Even the robust scholar make awry mistake in research paper. The scholar must train and reduce the loop hole of committing mistakes in research paper.
Un Sharpen Language:
Language is the primary mistake arouse in research paper. The scholar must get the help of guide and learn more technical terms in the field of study. If the language gets blunt the content could mislead the reader, and the scholar get awkward response. Everyone is not well verse in language, err in the language is common. But, the scholar has to read the research paper again and again to confirm it is error free. American English and British English, where the author get confuse and commit error. Words like advice and advise, where the semantics is same but one is followed after noun and other in verb. The scholar must keep eye on sentence formation. A word in a language has many synonyms so the scholar should understand the meaning. Improper punctuation screws the paper. The scholar must read again the research paper and ask other person to read the research paper, to rectify the mistake.
Weak Topic Selection:
The topic plays a major role in research paper. The scholar must be concern with the topic. Because topic has the potent to pull the reader to refer the research paper. The topic must be current and wanted topic in any field of study. Words in the research paper own the edible to reach the paper success. The topic must attribute about the content in the research paper. Many scholar deliver invalid topic, which never suit the content in research. The scholar should assure the content and concept of research paper articulates in same manner. The suitable topic will enrich the negotiations of the research paper. Subtle topic cannot be considered as proper research paper.
Repetition Of Notion:
The scholar should be fascinate to get more information related to research study. With single idea cannot deliver any improvement as well as bore the reader of research paper. So, the scholar should surf over internet, seek notes from library, useful communication with specialized people in study and more research with self interest will help the scholar to gather more ideas. This will help the author to produce the valid points to the readers. The repetition of ideas in research paper will not be considered as field of study. The actual research paper should be filled with novelty of ideas and negotiations, which will deliver a solution to the research problem. Though it is an arduous task the scholar must deliver feudal ideas.
Invalid Data:
The scholar research paper should consists of data, if the data is not valid the research paper merely considered as ordinary paper. Hardly in cognitive data stamp the scholar for fraudlence. The scholar must be stern and firm in while collecting data, because they are the evident for the scholar research paper. Proper sources should be align in the research paper, if not the scholar will be considered as plagiarist. Idle scholar with scarcity of data will be caught in ruffian. The scholar must be eligible to provide a fine data in research paper and there are various methods to collect data. Surplus amount of sources are available in the digital world so, the scholar can stuff useful data in research paper. The lethargic mentality in gathering data or caring less about data is one of the reasons for common mistakes.
Insufficient Edit:
Some scholar papers get rejected in publication, because of barely editing. The research paper might be good in content, title and data with references. But lacking of edit over research paper, pave way for rejection. The carelessness should not get repeat in any scholars, as human is normal to commit mistake. In the lavish research paper definitely will contain minor errors, the author must read and range the quality of research paper. Some scholars skip editing due to confidence. But, there are chances to get trivial error in research paper. So, the author must reread the paper and confirms the research paper is mistake free. Editing process will improve the quality and standard of paper, aids to uplift the research paper consistency and credibility of the scholar never been question.
Avoid Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is considered as the biggest challenge in research paper. Most of the research papers tremendous mistake plagiarism. The plagiarism can be occur because of improper citation and infringement data. The scholar themselves should swear not to commit any ruffian activity while performing research paper. The feigned data or not mentioning the appropriate authors, will dig the credibility of the scholar. The research paper must follow the academic guidelines and advice of the guide to rectify the mistake. Proof read, it is the major quality a scholar grab while penning a research paper. The scholar could enmesh because of forging the research paper, proofreading is the ideal way to save the scholar. Plagiarism of paper is considered as criminal act and the scholar will caught in plagiarism. The scholar must analyse the research paper twice or thrice to escape from plagiarism.
The journey of writing research paper will widen the domain of the scholar of the particular field. A research paper holds the power to improve the society. The scholar must be sincere and fine-tune themselves to prepare the suitable research paper. The qualities like; patience, presence of mind, credible will enhance the scholar to write outstanding research paper. The research paper must be error free, it might be a source for the future scholar. So,the scholar must be aware and calibre over writing research paper.